DAMAC Properties hire graphic Designer  UAE-KSA-IRAQ-KUWAIT

DAMAC Properties hire graphic Designer  UAE-KSA-IRAQ-KUWAIT

DAMAC- hire Graphic Designer = for-over a decade, the real-estate portfolio of DAMAC-Properties has been at the forefront of the center Easts-luxury realtymarket. With an everlasting passion for style and quality, the corporate has designed a name for making a number of the foremost painting and fascinating properties within the UAE, QATAR, Asian country, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon. Established in 2002, DAMAC properties have completed nearly 16800 units and presently incorporates adevelopment portfolio of over forty four,thousand units at numerous stages of designing and progress. DAMAC Properties, welcome portfolio can be reach around thirteen,thousand units of building rooms, serviceable building residences and serviceable villas.

DAMAC hire graphic Designer



To help drive the creative direction of the campaign, understanding of typography, layout, animation and art instruction will be needed, the best thing to do to help the team is possible.


Give input to creative meetings and shared ideas


Creating attractive and effective designs for all media

Communications to get feedback with senior team members


Relate effectively with other team members


Supporting the team during campaign and execution of projects


A part of the team to handle ATL (above the above line) and BTL (bottom line) marketing activities for specific development and corporate projects.


Monitoring of competitive activities and current conclusions to the Head of the Department


Managing the Production of Marketing Materials


Advertising and Management of PR Agencies and Other Strategic Partners

Part of the team to produce promotional campaigns, corporate / product videos, booklets, brochures, posters etc.

DAMAC hire graphic Designer

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